OBL - Overdose Brings Life
OBL stands for Overdose Brings Life
Here you will find, what does OBL stand for in Physiology under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Overdose Brings Life? Overdose Brings Life can be abbreviated as OBL What does OBL stand for? OBL stands for Overdose Brings Life. What does Overdose Brings Life mean?Overdose Brings Life is an expansion of OBL
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Alternative definitions of OBL
- Object- Based Language
- OBLique
- Online Burma Library
- Office of Business Liaison
- Official Big League
- Operational BaseLine
- Operational BaseLine
- Outward Bound Learning
View 53 other definitions of OBL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- OCAPICA Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance
- OCAPL Olympus Corporation of Asia Pacific Ltd
- OCAR Office of the Chief of Army Reserve
- OCAREB Orange County Association of Real Estate Brokers
- OCAS Ontario College Application Service
- OCASA Ontario College Administrative Staff Association
- OCASD Oil City Area School District
- OCASE Ontario Computer Animation & Special Effects Tax Credit
- OCASP Orange County Active Single Parents
- OCAST Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology
- OCAT Ocata Therapeutics, Inc.
- OCAV Optimist Club of Arlington, Virginia
- OCAVI Observatorio Centroamericano sobre Violencia (The Central American Observatory on Violence)
- OCAW The Oil Chemical Atomic Workers
- OCB Open Closed Bushing
- OCBA Orange County Bar Association
- OCBB operating cost based budget